Social policy, professions, social class, ethnicity
Research findings are presented by Theme and Keywords.
Social Policy
social policy
policy intervention
role of the state
social discipline
Quah, Stella (1997) "Values and Development in Asia: A Historical Illustration of the Role of the State," International Sociology, 12, 3 (September), 295-328 328. [The State as coach and referee]
Quah, Stella R. (1995) "Confucianism, Pragmatic Acculturation, Social Discipline and Productivity: Notes from Singapore," APO Productivity Journal, Summer, 42-64.
Quah, Stella R. (1995) "Socio-cultural Factors and Productivity: The Case of Singapore." In K.K. Hwang, ed., Easternization. Socio-Cultural Impact on Productivity. Tokyo: Asian Productivity Organization, pp. 266-333.
Quah, Stella R. (1994) "Social Policy in Family Life: The Case of Childcare in Singapore," International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 14, 1/2, pp. 126-148.
Quah, Stella R. (1991) "The cultural milieu of Public Administration," Asia Review of Public Administration 3, 1, 76-79.
Quah, Jon S. T. and Quah, Stella R. (1989) "The Limits of Government Intervention: Learning the Hard Way". In K. S. Sandhu and P. Wheatley, eds., Singapore. The Management of Success. Singapore: ISEAS, 102-127.
Quah, Stella R. and Quah, Jon S.T. (1987) Friends in Blue: The Police and the Public in Singapore. Singapore: Oxford University Press. 209pp. [Not eBook. See abstract at:
Quah, Stella R. (1983) "Social Discipline in Singapore," Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 14, 2, 266-289.
Quah, Stella R. (1981) "Impact of Policy on the Family: Can the Family be Strengthened by Legislation?" Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science, 9, 33-53.
Sociology as a profession
professional demands
Quah, S.R. (2011) “Sociology: Opportunities and Professional Challenges,” Asian Journal of Social Science, 39, 30-38.
Quah, S.R. (2005a) "Four sociologies, multiple roles," British Journal of Sociology, 56, 3, 395-400.
Quah, Stella R. and Sales, Arnaud, eds. (2000) International Handbook of Sociology. London: SAGE Publications, xxii+542 pp. Editor and contributor.
Quah, Stella and Sales, Arnaud (2000) "On Consensus, tensions and sociology at the dawn of the 21st century." In International Handbook of Sociology, edited by S. Quah and A. Sales. London, UK: Sage, pp. 1-32.
Quah, Stella (1997) "Scholarship and Individuality: Guideposts of Sociological Research in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan," Contemporary Sociology, 26, 5 (September), 572-575.
Quah, Stella R. (1995) "Beyond the Known Terrain: Sociology in Singapore," The American Sociologist, 26, 4, 88-106.
Quah, Stella R. (1993a) "Sociologists in the International Arena: Diverse Settings, Same Concerns?" In S.R. Quah, ed., Asian Sociologists at Work. London: Sage, Current Sociology, vol. 41, No. 1, 1-24.
Quah, Stella R. (1993) "The Socioeconomic Milieu of Scholarship: A Comparative Analysis of Family Sociologists in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand." In S.R. Quah, ed., Asian Sociologists at Work. London: Sage, Current Sociology, vol. 41, No. 1, 69-94.
Quah, Stella R. (1993) "The Native Sociologist and the Challenge of Science: National, Indigenous and Global Sociologies." In S.R. Quah, ed., Asian Sociologists at Work. London: Sage, Current Sociology, 41,1, 95-106.
Quah, Stella R. (1989) "The Social Position and Internal Organization of the Medical Profession in the Third World: The Case of Singapore", Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 30, 4, 450-466. [This article was reprinted in W.C. Cockerham, ed. (1996) The Sociology of Medicine. International Library of Critical Writings in Sociology. Aldershot, U.K.: Elgar, 485-501.
history of medicine in Singapore
history of the legal profession in Singapore
history of architecture
history of engineering
collective consciousness
channels of influence
Quah, Stella R. (1984) Balancing Autonomy and Control: The Case of Professionals in Singapore. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 147pp.
Social class
social class in Singapore
occupational prestige
occupational structure
economic stratification
ethnic stratification
social mobility
status attainment
occupation prestige scales,
occupational prestige scores
Quah, Stella R., Chiew S.K., Ko Y.C. and Lee M.C. (1991) Social Class in Singapore. Singapore: Times Academic Press. 286pp [Chapters 1, 3 & 9 available here]
Earning a living
Max Weber
cognitive innovation
culture and ethnicity
the melting pot assumption
'consciousness of kind’
‘ethnic honor’
'social action'
Quah, Stella (2005a) "Konzepte von Ethnizitat: Auf der Suche nach kognitiven Innovationen". Nikolai Genov (Hrsg) Die Entwicklung des soziologischen Wissens. Ergebnisse eines halben Jahrhunderts. Heidelberg: VS Verlag, 287-313. [This book was first published by the International Social Science Council in 2002. The first English-language edition by VS Verlag was published in 2004 as "Conceptualizing Ethnicity: In Search of Cognitive Innovations." In N. Genov, ed., Advances in Sociological Knowledge over Half a Century. Heidelberg: VS Verlag, pp. 245-266.]